School Policies and Handbooks
School Policies and Handbooks
Jefferson Elementary is a great school and the greatness not only comes from the teachers and staff, it also comes from you, our wonderful Jefferson family members. Respect is a two-way street. Our teacher's and staff's priority is to our students, to educate, nurture, and prepare them for the future. We look out for their safety and well-being because our students will be the next set of leaders. By respecting our school's policies and understanding why they are in place is greatly appreciated by both our school staff and other parents as well. Jefferson teachers and staff value and treasure all parents who help out at school or support their child at home. When we see our parents adhering to the school policies, we definitely know you care and trust we are doing the best for our kids!
Please familiarize yourself with both the RBUSD Parent Student handbook and Communication Guidelines below.
Please familiarize yourself with both the RBUSD Parent Student handbook and Communication Guidelines below.