Our School » Registration and Enrollment

Registration and Enrollment

Welcome to Jefferson Elementary School!!!
Click here for RBUSD registration and enrollment for the current 2024-25 School Year.
For additional questions, please call Mrs. Bernardette Fauver, the Administrative Assistant at Jefferson Elementary at (310)798-8631or email her at [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE: Our regular office hours are: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Office hours will vary in July and August.

Want to verify that Jefferson is your home school or find out which area school is your home school?  Based on the address of your residence in Redondo Beach, you will be assigned a neighborhood school. 
Use the following link to find out.    

Redondo Beach Unified School District is obligated to provide an education for those students who reside within its attendance boundaries. From time to time, a student's residency is researched because of continued lateness, returned mail, excessive absence or statements from students indicating they live outside of Redondo Beach. In the event that a question of residency arises, the District will have an employee visit the residence to verify that the student in question lives there. A report is made as to the findings and that report is forwarded to the individual schools.

In order to enroll your kindergarten student in CDC at Jefferson Elementary School you need to complete the steps below.

You cannot enroll your child in CDC until you have enrolled your child at Jefferson and your child's CDC Registration Form has been signed off by Jefferson. This means all of your child's enrollment paperwork for Jefferson Elementary School has to be completed, submitted, and verified. Below are steps to follow in this process.
If you have questions please contact our Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Fauver at (310) 798-8631 or the CDC Main Office at (310) 798-8683 ext. 1312 or 1321.
  1. Enroll your student at Jefferson School FIRST during Kindergarten Registration. Registration begins March 1st.
  2. Next, Jefferson will need to accept your student's enrollment, ensuring all of your paperwork has been correctly completed.
  3. Jefferson will then sign-off on your CDC Registration form (see below).
  4. Lastly, you may then take your CDC Kindergarten Enrollment form to the CDC office located at the RBUSD District Office located on 1401 Inglewood Ave.                           

School of Choice (SOC) starts March 1st and goes through March 31st. During this time, students who live within the attendance area of the Redondo Beach Unified School District can request attendance in a school other than their neighborhood school. This process provides an opportunity for parents to change schools if they desire and there is space available. Applications must be obtained from your neighborhood school, completed, and returned to the district office within the month of March. Action on SOC requests are based on space available at the school being requested. Parents are usually informed of the outcome of their request by late May.  If there are requests for a school that does not have space, a lottery is held to determine the order in which students will be placed as space becomes available. Once a student is accepted at the requested school, that school becomes their "neighborhood school" and no further requests are required.